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How much plastic packaging do you use in a week?

Plastic packaging is a very hot topic at the moment. Throwaway culture has spread packaging waste worldwide, even leaking into our oceans, polluting our earth and causing chaos for nature and animals. Calls have been made to stop the use of plastic packaging which will be extremely beneficial for the maintenance of the environment. Shockingly, only a third of plastic packaging in the UK alone is actually recycled. The rest is dumped on our planet, leaving damaging effects.

I myself am a culprit of not recycling, just throwing it in the same bin as all the other rubbish. To put myself to the test, I decided to document how much plastic packaging is used and thrown away in our everyday lives without us even realising. It will also highlight my recycling habits to show that more could be done. I carried out this experiment over a week and the results that came back were very revealing.

Conveniently, all my hair products ran out the week I was doing this experiment and I was shocked at the amount of plastic used within the packaging. I am also surprised at how I recycle, as I often find myself throwing my waste all into the same bin which I catch myself doing quite frequently. I however am not the only culprit of this as my housemate was doing the exact same and I caught her in the act.

'I'm surprised at how I recycle, as I found myself just throwing it all into the same bin...'

The amount of packaging used on fruit as well is very excessive. When I received my food shop on Monday I didn’t realise till I piled all the fruit I had bought together that I noticed the amount wasted. Other materials that are better for the environment could definitely be used to store them. Also, the amount of plastic drink bottles I go through in a week is ridiculous with the amount of orange juice and dilute pop I and my housemates drink.

There is always a constant collection next to the bin in the kitchen as no one wants to take them out to recycling so their permanent home is now there. This week has taught me to think more about my recycling and how plastic packaging is just not the way forward and should be substituted for something more biodegradable to ensure we look after the planet.

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